Phoenix, AZ Assault & Weapon Crimes Defense Lawyer

Our experienced Phoenix criminal defense attorneys have defended many individuals charged with assault, aggravated assault, or a weapons crime.

If you have been accused of assault or aggravated assault in Arizona, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Arizona criminal defense attorney immediately to begin your representation. The Gillespie Law Firm, P.C. is a leading criminal defense law firm and our Arizona criminal defense attorneys have special knowledge and years of experience in defending clients charged with these crimes. Our firm can handle all of the aspects of your Arizona criminal case.

In Arizona, there are two types of assault crimes: misdemeanor “Assault,” and felony “Aggravated Assault.” Within each type of assault, there are varied levels of punishment depending on the facts involved, ranging from probation and counseling to fines and jail time. In some jurisdictions, if this is your first offense, you may be able to have your case dismissed if you complete classes in a timely manner. This result is typically known as a “diversion” agreement. Be sure to consult an experienced Arizona criminal defense lawyer regarding the availability of a diversion agreement or any other potential result that may help you avoid jail time or a conviction on your record.

Note: if your assault case involves an automobile, please visit the vehicular crimes practice area page for specific information regarding vehicular Aggravated Assault cases.

Note: Your assault case will be filed as a “domestic violence” case in Arizona if you are charged with assaulting any of the following victims: a spouse or a former spouse, a person who lives with you or who formerly lived with you, a person who you currently have or have had a romantic or sexual relationship, a person with whom you share a child, a person who is pregnant with your child, a person who is closely related to you by blood or by court order, or a child who lives with you or who formerly lived with you. For more information on domestic violence cases, see the domestic violence practice area page.


In Arizona, a number of weapons crimes fall under the umbrella statute “Misconduct Involving Weapons.” These crimes vary in severity of punishment, and there are many exceptions to these Arizona statutes and many situations, depending on the Arizona statute you are charged with violating, under which that statute may not apply. If you have been charged with a violation of a “Misconduct Involving Weapons” statute, it is important to consult an experienced Arizona criminal defense lawyer to determine if any of the exceptions apply to your case.

It is a felony to discharge a firearm within the limits of any municipality in Arizona, with certain exceptions. Unlawful discharge of a firearm is a class 6 felony, and is often charged as a “dangerous” offense because it involves the use of a deadly weapon. A conviction for a class 6 “dangerous” felony is punishable by up to 3 years in prison without the possibility of probation for a first offense. However, if the State fails to prove the “dangerous” allegation, the statute specifically provides that a judge may designate the offense as a class 1 misdemeanor if the judge is of the opinion that it would be unduly harsh to sentence the defendant to a felony. Therefore, due to the wide range of punishment available, if you have been charged with a violation of this statute it is very important that you retain an experienced Arizona criminal defense attorney to handle your case and obtain the best possible result under your particular circumstances.

In Arizona, a person commits “drive-by shooting” by intentionally discharging a weapon from a motor vehicle at a person, another occupied motor vehicle, or an occupied structure. Drive-by shooting is a very serious offense in Arizona. It is classified as a class 2 felony, and will typical involve an allegation of “dangerousness” because it involves the use of a dangerous instrument or deadly weapon. A class 2 “dangerous” felony is punishable by up to 21 years in prison for a first offense! In addition, any conviction under this statute will result in a driver’s license revocation and may result in forfeiture of any motor vehicle used in the violation.

If you have been charged with any weapon crime, it is important that you speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately about your case. The Gillespie Law Firm, P.C. is a leading Phoenix criminal defense firm and has special knowledge and years of experience in defending clients charged with these crimes. Our criminal defense attorneys can handle every aspect of your case and will strongly advocate your case at all times, yet do so in a discrete manner, as we recognize that your reputation and your future are at stake. If you choose to retain our law firm, we will provide the highest level of criminal defense representation available.