Pre-Charge and Pre-Arrest Lawyer Phoenix, AZ

A service provided by our experienced Phoenix, Arizona criminal defense firm.

Our Phoenix, AZ pre-charge and pre-arrest defense lawyers have a remarkable history of successful results in pre-charge representation of clients who are under investigation for a suspected Arizona criminal offense but not yet charged.

Sometimes an individual may have reason to believe they are the subject of an Arizona criminal investigation. A police officer, detective or other investigatory agent may contact you for information about an ongoing criminal investigation. Under these circumstances, retaining an experienced Arizona criminal defense attorney can be critical in helping you protect yourself by insulating you from having to communicate with the investigative officers on your behalf, and in formulating a strategy to prevent Arizona criminal charges from being filed. If you are concerned enough to ask whether or not you need an attorney, chances are that you do. Keep in mind, the police are in the process of building a case by collecting evidence against you.

An experienced, well-respected Phoenix, AZ criminal defense attorney can help a person who is the subject of a criminal investigation. This may be a very stressful time. At The Gillespie Law Firm, P.C. our pre-arrest and pre-charge lawyers in Phoenix, AZ have often been able to provide invaluable assistance to clients who have not yet been charged with any offense. As noted above, there are many occasions when such assistance has resulted in convincing law enforcement agencies not to file charges against our clients.

Some examples of steps the attorney may take are:

  • Writing a letter of representation to the agent conducting an investigation and advising him/her to direct all future contact with you through the attorney;
  • Providing sensitive information to the prosecutor in a way that allows you to cooperate in an investigation and not be prosecuted due to your assistance;
  • Assisting you in participating in a polygraph and/or risk-assessment testing on a confidential basis, where the results of such exams would not be revealed to the prosecution or investigator, unless helpful to you. Such exams may even help to exonerate someone and remove him/her as a target of an investigation;
  • Speak with potential witnesses and gather exculpatory evidence in preparation of answering charges that appear to be imminent, but not yet filed.
  • Inform the Prosecutor that you would like to present evidence to the Grand Jury in the event the State decides to seek an indictment.

If you or someone you love believes that you are going to be charged with a crime in the near future, contact our team of experienced Phoenix pre-charge lawyers for a free legal consultation.